Analysis and Forecasting of Romanian Seismicity

Work plan

Phase name and duration A Activity name D Deliverable name Type
Phase 1. Design and algorithm implementation for investigation of the Vrancea intermediate-depth seismicity M1-M12 4.01.2021 -10.12.2021 A1.1 Forecasting algorithm selection, description, and software design D1.1 Forecasting algorithms Report, Methodology, software, scripts
A1.2 Application and testing of Forecasting algorithms D1.2 Intermediate depth seismicity parameter estimation and forecasting Report, Formula, Maps, Graphs
A1.3 Training D1.3 Increased expertise in Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning (ML) of two PhD students; Training report Report
A1.4 Project WEB site D1.4 Web page Report
Phase 2. Algorithm implementation for investigation of the shallow, crustal seismicity in Romania M13- M24 01.01.2022-10.12.2022 A2.1 Forecasting algorithm testing and calibration D2.1 Forecasting algorithms Report, Methodology, software, scripts
A2.2 Application and testing of Forecasting algorithms D2.2 Crustal depth seismicity parameter estimation and forecasting Report, Formula, Maps, Graphs
A2.3 Dissemination D2.3 2 ISI Papers&2 Conferences; Publications
A2.4 Project WEB site D2.4 Web page Report, Methodology, software, scripts
Phase 3. Testing and Implementation Phase , M25 - M36 (01.01.2022-30.04.2022) A3.1 Integration of other geophysical data into the forecasting system D3.1 Correlations between geophysical observables and seismicity Model
A3.2 Building the architecture of the virtual application D3.2 Platform architecture and design Database
A3.3 Data aggregation using external and internal geophysical information D3.3 Platform metadata Functional public model implemented at INCDFP
A3.4 Platform implementation D3.4 Functional public platform for data visualization and anomaly detection
A3.5 Dissemination D3.5 2 ISI Papers&2 Conferences; Portal visibility - Flyers Publications